Mission Statement
The New Brunswick Podiatry Association strives to promote an increase in awareness for the podiatry profession and for better foot health among our community. As an association, we are top of our fild in providing excellence, integrity and quality health care to the population. We are here to help and work with you for any foot health or related issues.
In New Brunswick, we have Podiatrists working all over the province. You do not need a referral to see a Podiatrist. Please see the Find a Podiatrist section to check if any are in your area. Give one a call today to make an appointment.
The New Brunswick Podiatry Associaion is a non-profit organisation promoting the Podiatry Profession and representing the Podiatrists of New Brunswick.
The New Brunswick Podiatry Association (NBPA) formed when foot specialists in New Brunswick came together to first write the New Brunswick Podiatry Act of 1982. Our mandate is to govern the profession of podiatry in New Brunswick. This includes setting and enforcing standards of practice, ethical conduct, continuing education, and promotion of the profession of podiatry - so that New Brunswickers receive the best quality podiatry possible.
To become a licensed podiatrist in New Brunswick, you must have graduated from a podiatry or chiropody school recognized by the Council of Education of the NBPA. You must then apply to the NBPA to be considered for eligibility, and then pass the entrance examinations (written and oral).
Our members are all fully qualified, licensed podiatrists and as indicated in the New Brunswick Podiatry Act, we all us the D.P. (Doctor of Podiatry) designation to indicate this.
Association Executives:
President - Dr. Natalie Price-Preston (Podiatrist)
Vice President - Dr. Erica Courteau-Grew (Podiatrist)
Secretary - Dr. Stephen Johnson (Podiatrist)
Treasurer - Dr. Mikaela Cybulskie (Podiatrist)
Podiatry is a field of medicine that strives to improve the overall health and well-being of patients, by focusing on preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the foot, ankle, and lower extremities. Podiatrists practice using modalities which may include medical, biomechanical, and surgical means.
Podiatrista are often referred by physicians and other health care professionalsf or consultation and treatment of foot problems, which can be experienced by everyone from children to seniors. However, a referral from your family doctor is helpful, but not required.
How can we help you?
Corns - Callouses - Infections - Athlete's Foot - Warts - Ingrown Nails - Trauma
Ulcers - Poor Circulation - Nail Problems - Skin Rash - Loss of Sensation (Neuropathy) - Weight Bearing Imbalances
Muscle Weakness - Nail Disorders - Arthritis - Corns - Callouses - Vascular Related Disorders
Heel Spurs - Plantar Fasciitis - Achilles Tendonitis - Muscle Strains - Rigid High Arches - Flexible Low Arches - Over-Use Injuries
Arch Pain - Tendonitis - Fallen Arches - High Arches - Muscle Cramps - Neuroma - Heel Pain - Foot Fractures - Sports Related Disorders

Our Address
New Brunswick Podiatry Association Inc.
L'Association Des Podiatres Du. Nouveau-Brunswick Incorp.
1888 Mountain, Moncton, NB E1G 1A9
T: (506) 854 1117
Registrar of the N.B.P.A.
Questions or Concerns?
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